Lots going on…

I have been a little slow at keeping up with blogging here!  We are in a nice little lull in the lambing area.  Just a few 2-timers from the fall, lambing again (which is good!)  Brad Found got the last 100 ewe lambs,, who are due to lamb themselves in the next couple of months, sheared.  He is getting pretty quick!  Practice makes perfect I guess!

We’ve been working on fixing up our bunker silo.  The sides needed a few patches, and the floor needs redoing – trying to decide if asphalt is a viable/cheaper option than cement.  (of course the asphalt salesman says it is!)

We haven’t planted anything yet this very early spring.  I don’t have any spring wheat this year, only winter wheat (which we did get the fertilizer on), but Cousin Bob has his spring Barley all planted, and is off to Cuba for a week before he comes back to get his corn in!  We may start some planting the last week of April.  The nite’s are still pretty cool, and corn and soybeans like the heat!

So this week we are cleaning out sheep pens, with the little Kubota that we borrow from Willowtree Farm, who is ‘storing’ it for a friend of theirs.  Great little machine.  Might have to get me one of those some day…