One of the first renovations we did moving from pigs to sheep, was to (take out all the penning and) put a feeding alley down the length of the old bank barn. We made it so the sheep could pretty much reach the middle from both sides. While that is good for getting them to be able to clean up the feed, it makes it hard to walk down between their heads with pails of corn when they are all madly waiting for it!
So last week we embarked on widening it out. This involved taking off the boards and putting them on the other side of some of the posts, and moving some others. It went fairly well, and it still amazes me how much easier it is to work in a pen with sheep who try pretty hard to stay at the far end of the pen away from you, than it is with pigs who run away from you for the first 10 seconds, before coming back to chew on everything and anything they can get to!
The other problem was that the tractor didn’t fit between one big post and the wider feeder. So we took it out, and made it so another (smaller- not cemented in ’cause the pigs chewed on it ’till it was almost right off) post that can come out when we clean them out.
It was a bit of a job to get the not-too-long-ago-poured cement off, but then the big post came out not too bad! (thanks to those pigs I guess..)
Almost as bad as beavers!! (although it took a really long time to get there)