TV Star !?!

Me and one of my fellow ‘Meaty Guys’, Karen Yellowlees, (and yes there is a bit of irony there!) were on the local Roger’s’  TV show Daytime today. (it is Rogers channel 10, so if you live in Durham Region, maybe you saw us!?)  Karen whipped up some marinated kabobs of beef, pork, and lamb, and our host Christian Pritchard cooked them up on live TV.  (to bad you can’t smell through a TV set, ’cause it smelled great in there!)

Meaty Guys is an extention of my own meat selling enterprise, and it includes 5 other farmers.  Some with beef, pork or lamb of there own.  It’s kinda cool, and a neat sort of venture, and if you want to know more,  check out !

They would like to have us back in the new year, which sounds like fun!   (I’ll have to post the video when I get it!)