Where to put all the corn?

The corn harvest has been coming along incredibly well.   We are almost done at the time of year when we are usually just getting started.

The test plots we had planted for Pioneer Brand Seeds where weighed off yesterday, and the top three went 198, 199, and 200 bu/acre.   A few years ago, a yield of 150 bu/acre was a really really good yield!  This year our average will be between 170 and 180 bu/acre.

The biggest problem is what to do with it all.  Every grain elevator around has at some point stopped taking any in.  Which leads to very long lineups to unload at the ones that are still accepting some.  We are lucky to have a fair bit of storage space on farm, and have been able to sneak a few loads into Reesor’s elevator here fairly frequently, but we still have 100 tonne or so to go, and our bins are full now.

I guess it is a good problem to have, especially since the price has remained fairly strong, thanks to the U.S. not have quite as good a year as we have had here in Ontario.