Bringing back THAT portable auger

Some people may recall a little incident I had with a portable auger knocking me off the top of a feed bin almost 2 years ago.  We pulled said auger out of the fencerow this afternoon, greased it up, and put the pto shaft back on. (It was converted to electric for the feed bins).   It turns! (a little wobble with the bit of a bend in it, but not too bad.)  The plan is to use it to get the corn out of Cousin Bob’s bin.  He usually sells it and their truck just sucks it out, but if I get it from him, my truck doesn’t do that.  So… reincarnation number 4 or so for this old auger.  It was originally from Willowtree Farm across the road.  He gave it to us when I started keeping pigs in Blackstock, cause that’s what he thought it was worth! (I did try giving it back to him after it fell over with me, but he didn’t want it!)

We will have to see just how many more rotations it can endure!

(I have to start getting some multi-media in this blog thing, so check back for a picture, and see if you can detect the “bend”)