Finally some sunshine!

After such great weather in March and early April, these last few weeks have been too cool and damp!  Good thing the ground was so dried out already!  Got one field of corn planted just ahead of the rain Wed. and more today.  Thanks to Kevin running the cultivator through lunch and all afternoon, and Dad for looking after the sheep all day, the planter got a good workout!

About 1/3 done the corn now, and might do a little more tomorrow (Sunday) if they are still calling for lots of rain Mon/Tues.

Also found out today that the guy who was going to dig in some tile for me, has to go for cancer treatments and won’t get it done. That’s bad on so many levels!  We’ll be thinking of him as we try and see if we can steal enough time to do it ourselves…

Love that Smell!

Finally got all the organic fertilizer (liquid manure) spread.  Two half days Friday and Saturday, and two half days (because of the rain) Monday and Tuesday.  122,564 gallons worth! It actually takes longer to drive back and forth to the field than it does to load and unload.  Turns the whole exercise into a bit of a race up and down the lane.  Funny how much faster you can drive after you’ve done it up-teen times and know every pothole, bump, and corner!

Now let the sun shine for a few days so we can plant corn!!

Lots going on…

I have been a little slow at keeping up with blogging here!  We are in a nice little lull in the lambing area.  Just a few 2-timers from the fall, lambing again (which is good!)  Brad Found got the last 100 ewe lambs,, who are due to lamb themselves in the next couple of months, sheared.  He is getting pretty quick!  Practice makes perfect I guess!

We’ve been working on fixing up our bunker silo.  The sides needed a few patches, and the floor needs redoing – trying to decide if asphalt is a viable/cheaper option than cement.  (of course the asphalt salesman says it is!)

We haven’t planted anything yet this very early spring.  I don’t have any spring wheat this year, only winter wheat (which we did get the fertilizer on), but Cousin Bob has his spring Barley all planted, and is off to Cuba for a week before he comes back to get his corn in!  We may start some planting the last week of April.  The nite’s are still pretty cool, and corn and soybeans like the heat!

So this week we are cleaning out sheep pens, with the little Kubota that we borrow from Willowtree Farm, who is ‘storing’ it for a friend of theirs.  Great little machine.  Might have to get me one of those some day…

Milk Machine

The March Break week turned out to be a pretty busy one!  Being away Tues. and Thurs. taking my daughter to see Universities didn’t help any!  Add in the fact that both groups of ewe lambs seemed to be in the thick of lambing this week and I seemed to be constantly ‘trying to make room’ for all the little lambs.

One thing we ended up doing was making a fairly large group of ewe’s and newborn lambs, rather than having them in individual pens for a day or too first.  Between that and having several birthing difficulties, we ended up with half a dozen lambs that were either orphaned or just not thriving. We fired up the milk machine I bought last fall – our first use of it- and after a day or two of playing with them, all but two lambs seem to have it figured out!  It is so much easier than trying to bottle feed them on any kind of a frequent schedule like they should have, when the machine just keeps automatically mixing up more when ever they need it.  I like it!


Why I love my Smartphone

A certain Agri-guy who is a pretty tech savvy dude, and prolific tweeter, has stated he doesn’t really want a smartphone.  I am therefore inspired to write down why I don’t want to be with out one!! (I seriously would rather forget my wallet when I leave home, than my phone…)

Sooo… top ten things I do with my smartphone:

1- Weather: as a sheep and crop farmer, it is great to be able to look up weather at the moment you want to know – from how cold it’s going to be over night – to the radar image of how long I have until it rains and my seed corn is going to get wet.  Up to the minute (ok, so it’s a 10 min delay) is awesome!

2- Spreadsheets: yes, I use excel spreadsheets on my iPhone. and it works fine.. Data entry is never that fun on a phone, so I don’t really do it, but I keep livestock summaries as well as crop/field data in spreadsheet format on the computer. I simply put that onto the iPhone, and I can look up who that ewe is, or what variety of seed I planted in that field, right when I want to know.

3- Calculate stuff: lots of phones have calculators, but I also have an app for calculating spray volumes, in Litres per Acre (a distictly Canadian unit of measure!!) as well as a unit conversion app, and even a GPS app that measures how far I’ve gone from one point to the next, or number of acres enclosed within a loop I make!  One trip around the outside of the field, and I know how big it is! (not as accurate as a GPS in the tractor, but still close..)

4- Flashlight: This is not the reason I bought a phone, but the app that turns my camera flash into a (surprisingly bright) flashlight, is absolutely great for those ‘I just need to see for a minute’ situations.  And, of course, it’s always with me, so it’s handy!

5- Maps: I’m a pretty good-with-directions guy, but the map feature with the GPS you-are-here dot is actually quite handy when you’re heading to a meeting in a town you’ve never been to before.

6- Camera: Those of you who follow this blog, are benefiting from the increased ease of having a camera on the phone.  And yes, every phone now has one, but I like the ability to shrink and email them to the home computer, all ready to blog!  I also use it for taking the written records from the barn, to the computer at the house, without having to bring the stinky book home, or forget to take it back!  Not to mention sending the picture of that broken part to the wife so she can pick one up and know what the heck she is trying to get!

7- the Phone: it’s just a really good phone!  But mostly, it’s the depth of the contact list.  I have everyone I know on there, and it’s easy to find them, and it syncs back to my (microsoft) computer address book, so it’s up to date.  You just never know when that person you never call, is the person you need to ask one quick question right now!

8- Google Calendar:This is mostly due to the wife being organized.. but we have a google calendar set up for each member of the household.  It syncs automatically with my phone, and she puts alerts on the ones she thinks I’ll forget!  So if I have to pick up a kid from something, it beeps at me just before I have to leave (because I do get wrapped up in what I’m doing and forget what time it is!) or if I get home, and don’t know where anyone is, I look it up, and it’s usually there.  It is something we all find very helpful

9- Prices: From the noon hour tweets from the local elevator, to looking up whatever future prices I like to know.  When some one says “what’s the price of corn today?” I don’t have to remember, I just look it up!  This also applies to livestock prices, as well as gas station prices -I love my new ‘Gas Buddy’ app!

10-OK, so 10 isn’t really enough ’cause of all that other fun stuff: between facebook and twitter, online banking, angrybirds, eBooks, or that iHandy Level, there is just a tonne of stuff that is available to me.  I don’t use these alot, but every once in a while…? definitely worth it.

In the end, it’s like anything you buy.  Whether it’s worth  the price of admission depends on how much you use it.


P.S. Ironically, after writing this, we went out for diner, and I forgot my wallet! (but I had my phone!)  My dear darling wife had to pay…


One of the first renovations we did moving from pigs to sheep, was to (take out all the penning and) put a feeding alley down the length of the old bank barn.  We made it so the sheep could pretty much reach the middle from both sides.  While that is good for getting them to be able to clean up the feed, it makes it hard to walk down between their heads with pails of corn when they are all madly waiting for it!

So last week we embarked on widening it out. This involved taking off the boards and putting them on the other side of some of the posts, and moving some others.  It went fairly well, and it still amazes me how much easier it is to work in a pen with sheep who try pretty hard to stay at the far end of the pen away from you, than it is with pigs who run away from you for the first 10 seconds, before coming back to chew on everything and anything they can get to!

The other problem was that the tractor didn’t fit between one big post and the wider feeder.  So we took it out, and made it so another (smaller-  not cemented in ’cause the pigs chewed on it ’till it was almost right off) post that can come out when we clean them out.

It was a bit of a job to get the not-too-long-ago-poured cement off, but then the big post came out not too bad! (thanks to those pigs I guess..)

Almost as bad as beavers!! (although it took a really long time to get there)

A Day of Triplets

Yesterday seemed to be the day for triplets..  There was one set when we got there in the morning, all curled up together and looking quite cute. (and a little goopy still)

During morning chores, another two ewes lambed, one with triplets and one with twins.  The afternoon saw another set of triplets born, and then overnite, one of my older Dorset ewes (who don’t normally have triplets) had, you guessed it, triplets!

Some of them are pretty small, but so far they seem to be fairing well.

Funny how the only triplets I’ve had this season, all came on the same day..



We got the renovations done and some sheep sheared to go in the pen.

Brad Found came to shear and we sorted out the ones that looked the closest to lambing.  Since two had lambed already, the rest shouldn’t be too far behind!


We’ve been working away as we have time on the barn renovations.  Got most of the feeder front up and its starting to take shape nicely…

More Reno’s …

In the ‘nursery’ section,  over the slats, we laid down some recycled plastic that we’d had for the pigs- makes a good feed manger! So now that we are working on what used to be the ‘grower’ section of the pig barn, we thought we’d do the same thing, but we needed more plastic!

Taylor Plastics near Peterborough had lots in stock, although it was a little pricier than it was 15 yrs ago when we got some for the pigs!

Picked it up this afternoon, and laid it down when I got home.. looks good!  (and amazingly brighter on that side of the barn!