Triplets and Quadruplets!

We had our first set of triplets on Friday.  They were very small, and it does take the mom quite a bit longer to dry off that many bodies, so they aren’t as quick to all get going as a single or even twins.  Luckily, we prepared for that!  We have some cow colostrum from Cousin Bob in the freezer, so we heated up some and gave them each a few cc’s in a syringe.  They seemed to be coming along fine by the next day.

Now triplets are not that uncommon, but it is certainly not the expected norm either, so it was a bit of a surprise Sunday morning when there were a set of quadruplets!  They too, were pretty small, but with a bit of the cows milk to give them a boost to get going, they too are up and going.

Now quadruplets are not unheard of, but they certainly aren’t expect very often, so it was a bit of a surprise Monday morning when there was another set after breakfast!  Plus another set of triplets!  By supper time, there was a set of twins to join them.  So out of 5 mom’s we have 3+4+4+3+2=16 lambs!! 

I’m getting very good at getting a little milk into a newborn lamb, and so far, they all look healthy and happy.  Now all we have to do is make sure we get enough nutrition into the ewe’s to feed all those little guys!