So the herd of sheep I got, only had 1 Ram. I need more than that! So I had looked up various breeders in the area, and emailed several of them to see who had Rams for sale. There was a guy from Rockwook who had a couple, as well as a farm in Woodville and one in Bailieboro. And then there was a Mike and Linda from Keswick that had a couple. There was also a Mike and Linda from Sutton (next to Keswick) but they were sold out, as were a few other breeders.
So I called Mike and Linda back about a Ram, but I asked if they had any Ewes for sale, as I was thinking I needed a few more than I had. Lucky I asked, because she had 40 ewe lambs (young ones) that had been spoken for, but were now available. All I had to do was email her my details, and she would email me back with where to send the cheque.
After sending off my email, and not hearing back from her for a couple of days, I sent another one. It too went unanswered for a day, before I got a call from Linda. She didn’t have any ewes, and wondered if I had the wrong Mike and Linda farm, as the other Mike and Linda live just a mile away.
At his point, I had to go back to Google and find the other email/contact info because I hadn’t kept it since they didn’t have anything available. An email sent to them, and an answer right back, and I have 40 ewe lambs coming in a couple of weeks.
The real question remains though, how the heck did I call the wrong one in the first place?! I couldn’t even find the number when I was looking for the email address. For the life of me, I can’t figure out that call.